Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pictures from Small Black

Photos from Small Black at Middlebury College

Small Black in the Big Apple

If you either missed the sweet Small Black concert this weekend or loved it so much you can't get enough, (Anjali) here's a couple videos of them playing live in NYC. But they're not in a studio, nor a concert hall.

The blog the Gothamist has decided to pair up some of it's favorite bands with some of its favorite NYC buildings that architecturally match the band's sound. For Small Black, they picked the abandoned building at 5 Bleeker Street in Greenwich Village. I can't help but noticing that the building they picked for Small Black is rather...big and white. Sorry for that.

Check out the original post for more pics and videos.

Small Black – "Camouflage" – Gothamist House from Foglight Films on Vimeo.

See more band from the series, like the Walkmen at the New York Public Library

Thursday, November 18, 2010

All Day (everyday)

See you this weekend!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Bump it. Stream it.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Grasscut! Because Ninja Tune just can't go wrong.

You know what's been missing from your life? The Glitch-folk-tronica band none other than GRASSCUT.
Recently signed to the renown Ninja Tune label, Grasscut consists of award winning film score composer Andrew Phillips and the multi-talented Marcus O'Dair, both reigning from the great county of Sussex, England. After starting with remixing the likes of Bonobo, Coldcut and Jaga Jazzist, they released their Debut album "1 Inch/1/2 Mile" spans many powerful moods created by ethereal stings, blips, atmospheric vocals, big beats and soaring synths. Their main influences (Brian Eno, Sigur Rós, Eskmo, Thom Yorke, Amon Tobin and Debussy) can be clearly heard whilst maintaining a distinct authenticity to their very unique sound. Their stand out track is the chaotic but hopefully epic "Muppet", but don't leave them at that as you would only be getting 1/9th of their oh so versatile repertoire.

Listen to: Muppet, High Down, Meltwater, Passing, The Keeper (Grasscut Bitter Peace Remix).

Monday, November 15, 2010

Jay Electronica signed to Roc Nation

Jay-Z has just signed Jay Electronica to Roc Nation. It's about to be a problem. MP

Monday, October 25, 2010

This kind of music should be called "Siren Rock." I just patented that.

I don't want to beat a dead horse, or beat a horse to death (uhh??), or get all preachy keen about something that you already know about, because talking about music is probably THE MOST ANNOYING THING SOMETIMES, but I am sitting in my dorm room right now, reading a play and drinking seltzer (COLLEGE!!!!, RIGHT GUYS???), and Summer Camp, a band that I have a really deep-seeded attachment to, came on. The name in itself is a draw: it has been statistically proven that 73% of people who listen to music that you don't went to summer camp (43% of them Jewish camps). Have you heard them? GUYS! They are, as James Brown once put it, "so good!" If you've been looking for a band that sounds like driving at night during the summer through a backroad lately, look no further!
In late 2008, their track "Ghost Train" leaked, and after that, they remained one of those phantom acts, that dropped only one track and left you all tingly, like Eden's Crush, or whoever wrote the MTV Reality Show "Rich Girls" theme song (the hit being the "Rich Girls" theme song). Anyways, check out their MySpace. They are GOOD!

Which reminds me: "The High Road" by Pearl Harbor. It's just perfect rainy night music.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Middlebury Radio Theatre of Thrills & Suspense Season Six Premiere Tonight!

Tune in tonight, Saturday, at 6:00pm for the illustrious premiere of our sixth season on the air. We promise all manner of thrills and suspense in tonight’s colossal episode, including the newest addition to Charles Giardina’s galactic epic Hearts & Minds with Origins of the Dead. And stay tuned for laughs and silly accents with Dave Malinsky’s adaptation of Black Adder: Amy and Amiability, starring Steve Barash. And listen in for an exploration of the horrors of this supersonic age with Attack of the 50-Foot Woman, adapted for radio by Noah Mease.

But that's not all! Don't miss all the fun surprises throughout the show, planned and otherwise - the excitement of live radio theatre. Tune your radio to 91.1FM, listen online, or wait for the free podcast at, or on iTunes.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fall Programming

Fall programming started today!
You can check out our complete line up of shows this fall here:
Tune in! Make Requests! Enjoy!



Check out this new project by video artist Chris Milk and The Arcade Fire. Its called "The Wilderness Downtown" and features the Arcade Fire song "We Used to Wait."

Also, it says you need Google Chrome to view it. That's a lie, its just a plug for the Google monster Firefox will work just fine.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


TIS that time of year again, where we all get together to discuss how not to fuck up on air, and to dole out the precious show times to all the good little boys and girls. Yes, the biannual all-dj meeting, known to some as the most important social event of the season. Be there or be square.

Mccullough, 8pm, the first thursday of school (aka the 9nth). Come ready with show ideas. Hope on the facebook event for more info. LINK

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A moment for...


Why is this band not incredibly popular? They have been tweaking a unique sound for some years now, and their most recent record "Mines" is a stand-out of the summer (if you don't have it, you should). How can I post songs on this blog? Lemme know and I'll post my favorite trax (tracks) from the album. I'm sure someone reading this knows how to do that. Seriously. And don't write it in non-english. I want something legible.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Above, you will find evidence of the sole visual and audio stimulation I have needed this summer. Above, you will also find that this summer I have created a textual way to convey more efficiently that I like to "chill out".

I trust that everyone else's summer has been number 1.


Richard Snakedust

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

LCD Soundsystem (and Sleigh Bells!) Playing in Burlington

Do you regret not going to a festival this summer?

I was right there with you... Until I found out that LCD Soundsystem is coming to Burlington September 27!

Even better - Sleigh Bells is opening for them.

These are two of the best reviewed artists this year performing under the same roof in the same night.

I don't think anyone who frequents this blog needs anymore convincing as to why they should spend $38.50 (steep, I realize) to go see these guys.

Tickets went on sale last Friday and you can still get them here. I am positive this show will sell out.

Don't be the person desperately searching Craigslist last minute.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

From the Past Few Months

Hey all,

I have been busy and not able to write anything non-fiction, let alone a review, interview, ethought, etc. on this brilliant but under-utilized blog space. I haven't been in a cultural vacuum, though, and with this entry, I plan to lay out what I've been spinning, watching, and hearing about recently. Some of the things are old, and some of them new, but dig it.

The song "Marathon" by the band Tennis. A fuzzy, doo-wop vibe, with the sweetest little lyrics about travelling around on a sail-boat, make this an essential summer song. On the subject, two songs from the days of yore that have been getting mad play this summer: "Summer in the City" by the Lovin' Spoonful and "Time of the Season" by the Zombies (a funny picture proceeds if ye click that link: you've been warned). "Time of..." was a crucial part to a movie I saw recently (on Netflix instant queue) and found interesting called "Dear Wendy". It's written by Lars Von Trier and was directed by the guy who did "The Celebration" (which I also saw recently and liked).

The Arcade Fire, I think, have been killing it recently. Though I haven't yet gotten "The Suburbs", I've listened to it a few times and it definitely is unique from AF's previous records. I like it a lot, though, and like this grown, mature direction their music has gone in. I also like the live performance they did on youtube a few days ago, directed by Terry Gilliam (who used to be the only American member of Monty Python before he became a famous director). You can see them performing "Wake Up" here, or a new cut "Rococo" here. I think the Arcade Fire are a lot like Radiohead, in that they are immensely successful and use that as credibility to experiment. Good for them!

There's a documentary out directed by Banksy called "Exit Through the Gift Shop", and its being touted as the first street art disaster movie. You have to see it to understand, and I highly recommend the experience. Banksy is perhaps the most forward thinking artist around. Another movie I saw recently and liked was "Cyrus", the new movie by the Duplass brothers, who after a long string of successful independent pictures featuring unknown actors, are finally moving into the mainstream and working with professionals. The movie has a strong, strange performances from Jonah Hill, and John C. Reilly is very subtly funny as the guy caught up in this unfortunate situation. Particular kudos to Marissa Tomei, who steals every scene she's in as Cyrus's mother. Catherine Keener is also in the movie, and I think I could be fascinated watching her talk about cereal. I just googled to see if she's married; she was, but divorced. Apparently she also lives in North Carolina, where I live... Fate?

The new Kanye single, "Power", is the dopest thing he's done in a long time. I think his next album is going to win back over everyone he alienated with his Katrina comments, the Taylor Swift debockle, the misstep that was 808s and Heartbreaks, etc. I've also been bumping the new discs by Curren$y (Pilot Talk) and Big Boi (Sir Luscious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty). Click this link and scroll down to see all the mixtapes Curren$y has put out and has available for free download. He played second fiddle to Wayne before switching over to a new label for Pilot Talk.

What have you guys been doing with your summer? Post it on up, respond, keep being culturally active. Sometime next week I'll put up a list of things to look forward to.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Osheaga 2010

The Osheaga Music Festival took place in Montreal last weekend over two beautiful weekend days. I was lucky enough to attend the first (and better) day and was busy from morning til night running around from stage to stage, show to show. Here's a quick breakdown of the day.

Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros: Full stage of bearded men and one adorable Jade as usual. Their eclectic live show thrives on the crowd buying into their happy-hippy aura which was hard, and semi-unsuccessful on the massive stage they were put on. Their music was spot on great as usual but as a fan I would have rather seen them on the smaller stage.

Jimmy Cliff: Old Jamaican reggae legend struggled to get a young crowd energized but eventually his dancers got people's hands in the air. He seemed to be having a blast which was cool to see from a veteran performer, but he didn't play "The Harder They Come" which would have made the show for me.

K'Naan: Only saw him from a far but the crowd that was close seemed to be loving him. He had a live backing band which is always cool for a hip hop show. His live performance of "Waving Flag" was pretty impressive given its post World Cup hype.

Stars: They are old, way older than I expected, which threw me off for the first portion of the show. Right off the bat they had some serious technical issues that they never recovered from. Frontman Torquill Campbell was furious at the sound crew and when he wasn't singing, he was freaking out on stage throwing water bottles and mic stands at the tech guys. This was very distracting from the professional and solid performance being put on by the rest of the band, particularly guitarist Amy Millan.

Jamie Lidell: I only caught the end of the brit-psych-rocker's weird set but I was impressed and wish I saw more, he seemed to have total control of the crowd and his sound.

Beach House: After taking significantly too long to soundcheck, they showed why with their perfectly mellowed out performance full of reverb, pedals, and angst. Singer/keyboardist Victoria LeGrand is a great performer, using her crazy mane of hair to her advantage to play up both the stoicism and the intensity of certain tracks.

The National: Everyone said I had to see them live to understand them. I get it. Vocalist Matt Berninger is one of the best live performers I've ever seen, it's amazing to imagine him getting that into it every night.

Arcade Fire: The headliners lived up to their hype, trotting out a full stage of their multi-instrumentalist line up for a hour and a half long set of songs new and old. Wyn Butler and Regine Chassagne have great stage presence and chemistry and the entire band was incredibly humble and greatful. Every song they played rocked, all the way through their finale, "Wake Up" which got a packed house of tired festival goers to dance and chant all the way to the subway home.

Great job all around by the people behind Osheaga from the artists to the little details of the venue. Festivals like this have the possibility of being uncomfortable events and organizational nightmares and Montreal really came through big in every way here.

Monday, August 2, 2010

It's just a jump to the left!

And then please look to your right.
Down a bit.
Yes, there. That shiny new calendar gizmo - it's an embedded version of our Community Calendar. It will provide information about concerts, benefits, WRMC parties - we mean, meetings, et cetera.

Yes, many of the concert listings may appear to have been lifted whole-sale from the Middlebury Arts calendar. We tried to convince them to input the data on their own, in the hopes that they would select the most relevant, pithy, and comprehensible bits, but failing that we used some copy and paste action. The UVM information we had no hope of translating.

If you are a community group/member/NGO/friend, or an artist or group that will be playing in our listening area or Burlington, please feel free to shoot us an email with your event data at and we will add items to our calendar at the management's discretion.

Any and all comments and suggestions welcome as to how we can improve this service.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Your favorite childhood wierdos are playing in B-town tonight! The guys that brought you Pork Soda are playing at Higher Ground! Doors are at 5:30 and its worth getting there early because Gogol Bordello is opening. Fuck work on a Friday, get up to Burlington for what promises to be an evening of the bizarre, the brilliant, and plenty of bass.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Best of 2010 (So Far) Podcast

In a special broadcast on Tuesday July 6th, a panel of WRMC DJs featuring Toren Hardee, Tamara Hilmes, David Foote, Jordan Valens, Brad Becker-Parton, and Ben Wessel discussed their favorite albums of the year so far. Check out the full list and listen to the podcast below.

Best of 2010 So Far Podcast


LCD Soundsystem (Home)

Titus Andronicus (A More Perfect Union)

The National (Afraid of Everyone)

Bonobo (El Toro)

Fang Island (Careful Crossers)

Delta Spirit (Bushwick Blues)

Zeus (Kindergarten)


The Roots (Walk Alone)

Big Boi (Shutterbugg)

The Dead Weather (Blue Blood Blues)

Black Keys (She’s Long Gone)

Janelle Monae (Cold War)

J. Cole (Higher)


Mumford & Sons (Little Lion Man)

Tame Impala (Solitude Is Bliss)

Phosphorescent (Mermaid Parade)

First Aid Kit (Sailor Song)

Peter Wolf Crier (Untitled 101)

Oberhofer (I Could Go)


The Tallest Man On Earth (The Drying of the Lawns)

Joanna Newsom (‘81)

Beach House (Norway?)

The Radio Dept (Heaven’s On Fire)

Local Natives (World News? Sun Hands?)

David F:

Flying Lotus (Nose Art)

Drive-By Truckers (I Told You So Horse)

Tobacco (Heavy Make-Up)

Deer Tick (Blood Moan)

Feathers (Belly of June)


Gorillaz (Empire Ants)

Delorean (Stay Close)

Ratatat (Mandy)

Morning Benders (Excuses)

Dom (Living in America)

Sheepdogs (I Don’t Get By)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Perfect Feature

The new roots album, "How I Got Over," is a really successful album overall. Its definitely a return to their classic hip-hop band form, merging many genres and styles. the standout track, in my opinion, is the ninth track on the album, "Right On," which features indie-fairy songstress Joanna Newsome. Newsome's signature child-voice style of folk singing is perfect for the hook of a hip-hop song. so many radio hip-hop songs feature a squeaky, processed, overproduced female or child's voice in their hook, but the roots, always musically innovative, take advantage of Newsome's natural singing style to get the same effect in a truer and far more aurally pleasing way.

check it:

Deer Tick Come Back With New Album The Black Dirt Sessions

Sophomore albums always pose a Catch-22 for artists. Fans inevitably hate it because it sounds nothing like the first album, or they bitch about how it sounds just like the first release. Unfortunately I was one of those same fans when it comes to the disappointment that was Born on A Flag Day. War Elephant set the bar high, but still, except for a few songs I rarely go back Deer Tick’s sophomore slump effort. I won’t be saying the same for their third release, The Black Dirt Sessions. Instead of sacrificing songs for distortion that happened over and over on Flag Day, the band shifts the focus back to the song craft. The result is a softer, sadder songs dealing with faith and salvation that you wanna hear in a smalltown Southern bar after too many lonely beers.

For most bands this would be dangerous cliché territory especially for some young boys outta Rhode Island, but it never comes off as affected. John McCauley III is a gifted enough songwriter to go back to old tropes of loneliness and losing friends and still sound like he was one of the first to go there. Even when he occasionally does stray into a cliché, the pure raw grit of his voice carries him over it. Pulled out of the bottom of countless ashtrays and bottles of bourbon, McCauley’s voice is at times just gravelly notes that save him from the weak lines or off rhymes that he stumbles over at times. Screaming “everyone is alone” on a song would sound like the worst kind of angst out of anyone else’s mouth, but he somehow pulls it off.

It’s this voice and the songwriting that doesn’t make this your typical sad bastard fare. “Piece by Piece and Frame by Frame”, “Good-bye, Dear Friend”, and “Blood Moon” are some of the best of sad bastard tunes these boys have made. “Mange” is a dense, rollicking, reminder that Deer Tick can still rock, while “I Will Not Be Myself” is proof is a nice reminder of War Elephant. Some of the songs are weak or incomplete, with “Sad Sun” being the obvious sore thumb on what is all in all going to be an album I am going back to again and again.

Monday, June 21, 2010

...and we're back.

summer programming is underway, click on the schedule below for old favorites at new times, exciting new shows, and the best time for fans of russian post-grunge-shoegaze-electro-pop to tune in.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

World Cup Tiiime!

I think any good music blog (except maybe a Country one) would be remiss about now if it didn't have at least one post on the music of the World Cup. With a much improved American team this year and many big-name teams playing worse than my grandma, there is definitely a growing interest in the Copa Mundial here in the States. So, here's some music of the Cup:

1. Starting out with the best, listen to Wavin Flag by K'naan. The orginal is truly the anthem of this year's cup, but below is a really cool collaboration version by a bunch of young Canadian (oh well) artists. And it's for Haiti, cool.

2. According to the Official Fifa 2010 World Cup Album, this is the "Official Anthem of the 2010 World Cup." I think Wavin Flag is the real one, but this ain't half bad either. It's called Sign of a Victory by R. Kelly featuring the Sowetto Spiritual Singer. Good Stuff.

3. Here's an acapella favorite of mine, it's called Weltmeister. I really have no idea what it means, but I'm pretty sure it's about the World Cup (fyi - it's in German). I did learn that Weltmeister means Champions, a title that looks unlikely to go to the Germans after their pathetic loss to Serbia (who?).

4. Finally, check out songs from each of the World Cup countries put together by KCRW. The collection really shows the musical diversity of these countries. It features Phoenix representing France, the Pinker Tones representing Spain and the very official sounding Mexican Institute of Sound. Listen to the MUSIC OF THE WORLD CUP! Here's the American entry - World Cup Fever by Air Miami

Further Exploration:
Feel the Spirit by the Roumbar Girls - Free Download Here
Three Lions (Football's Coming Home) by Baddiel, Skinner & The Lightning Seeds

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Keep Me In the Dark

A head bop and a grin. Coffee mug in hand, the boy paraded back to his desk. His business shoes were worn, the scrapes created cheetah like blemish spots on the dark brown leather revealing the material’s lighter more vulnerable shade. One could imagine him with the same smile the first day he put those shoes on. “Do you want a bag?” the shoe store lady asked. “No, I believe I will wear them out thank you very much!” The boy said as he handed her a pair of tattered tennis sneakers. With the bag of old shoes in hand, out the wide glass door he tore off onto the linoleum floored freeway of the mall. He didn’t even bother to check his rear view mirror or signal left before merging out of the store front, no need to, he was moving too deliberately for people not to watch out. He cut through the crowds of shoppers and that unique salty smell that fills the entire building, beginning in the depths of the parking garage below. It is a smell that no single nor coupling of food can create, it is the culmination of all that the mall is. Starting with squeaking cars and dirty door handles, continuing with the fountains filled with pennies and toy shops that leak a symphony of 8 bit sounds, it is the smell of hasty shopping, naïve first flirtations and hopeful glances. The boy cuts through all of this and briskly leaves it all behind him in an invisible wake. Arms swinging, hand clasped into a fist around the bag, keeping an eye out for anything reflective that will frame himself, and his recently acquired $56.95 worth of leather bound glory.

Now, compared to the other shoes in his office the scrapes shout out imperfections. Yet perfections do not tell stories, perfections polished to a T reveal the mundane truth that, they merely have no imperfections because they have not been tested in any form or function. They haven’t walked through the woods late at night to meet friends at a fire, kicking around embers. They haven’t lifted a skateboard into the air, receiving a single hash mark where the smallest toe resides, notching the event. They haven’t been scraped to reveal the true color of the leather and their owner.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Let's Be Rill

The year is almost over. Just a few more finals to go. Here is a track to get you through.

What You Know Bout Bein' Rill? - Sleigh Bells x T.I. by Big Burd

Big Burd is from my hometown (DYT). Everyone loves Sleigh Bells. And we can't get enough of T.I.

What more could you need?

Check out his other stuff here.


sleeping bags. 4 player mode. mountain dew. musty basements. mines.

Ah. sweet nostalgia

Thursday, May 13, 2010

In a Telescope now

{The Joy Formidable - "The Greatest Light is the Greatest Shade" Download}

“I used to hate this place you know.”

“That’s impossible. Nobody hates Kora.”

They stood on the bank of the lake. The tops of their feet slowly becoming numb in the frosty water. It smelled like late fall. Wet leaves mixed with a sharp burning fragrance from some distant fire.

“I wish all girls smelt like this. I might start bottling this scent.”

“It doesn’t work like that”

“I know that, but still. I wish. I would keep it in a small glass bottle with a cork in my pocket.”

Across the lake, windows glowed, offering warmth to any onlooker. It’s like chasing a shot of whiskey with imagery, he thought to himself.

“Every time we would come to Kiona when I was younger I pretended to not care, I sort of regretted it actually. Secretly, I loved it here, and it never stayed a secret for very long. I couldn’t help being happy making forts in the hills and swimming in the water, exploring the islands.”

“I just couldn’t stand it leaving me. That’s how it felt every time we drove away from the cabin. Staring past our dog, still wet in the way back, as small rocks pinged the side of our car humbly rumbling down the dirt road. It was leaving me.”

“For weeks, I would stay up at night thinking about Kora, of how I could convince my parents to move here. It was nice to think about. It was also torture. I could never sleep.”

“Eventurally I decided to hate it. It’s easier to forget about things you hate than things you love.”

The two started walking back up to his idling station wagon. Shoes and socks in hand.

“I always thought I’d end up here. I’m happy that someone did.”

Both doors slammed.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Middlebury Radio Theatre of Thrills & Suspense: The Penultimate Episode

Only two more to go before Mr|Tots goes on Summer Vacation, but we sure make it count with this overstuffed episode. First, find out what happens to the heroes of David Seamans’ fantasy-comedy-adventure, The Oneironauts. They’ve escaped from the smelly horrors of a labyrinth, and said goodbye to a mysterious cow, but Part II will bring them face to face with even more strange and terrible foes.

And stay tuned for Noah Mease’s retelling of a tragic Arthurian romance with Isolde.

And don’t miss this season’s final Nightshade Radioplayhouse fairy tale, The Juniper Tree, written by Noah Mease, directed by Sasha Rivera, and told by Steve Barash.

Tune in from six ’til eight on Saturday night to hear it live!
And if you miss it, visit our website,, to stream our podcast, or to listen to Part I of the Oneironauts.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Trippy Music Video Tuesdays feat. Born Ruffians

I'll Say It .
Born Ruffians are one of my favorite bands.
Which brings me the pleasure to post their video (released today) for their newest single off of their upcoming album, Say It.
This was done with a real oscilloscope. For real.
Director Jared Raab states "the footage was shot once on video, edited, converted for use on the oscilloscope and then shot again directly off the vintage machine."

I'm super excited for their new album, coming out June 1st.
They also are touring Europe and the U.S. so go to to get all of your Born Ruffian needs.

Monday, April 26, 2010

M.I.A and the Ginger Conceit

"Born Free", the dope, new track from M.I.A. with a video by Romain Garvas (sp?)

*Warning: More graphic than a normal music video... Already removed from Youtube... Proceed with caution

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Trippy Music Video Tuesdays feat. Kid Cudi

4/20... Getting Cudder on campus... Trippy Music Video Tuesdays...
As you can see this video is super topical.
Not only that. It's awesome.
I came across this video randomly when searching for the Pursuit of Happiness video I originally enjoyed. Then I see this other video and am completely shocked by how cool it is.
It reminds me of something directed by Michel Gondry.
Supposedly Cudi wanted a bit more than a stylistic video of him walking through a party in slow motion and got this guy Megaforce to direct a new video.
I'm going to say it was a pretty good decision.
I mean Ratatat is actually in this one.

For another video directed by Megaforce check this out as well (I dig his style):

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bands from the Big Apple: The Postelles

here's some music for your weekend...

As a native New Yorker, I love nothing more than finding and listening to great bands representing the Big Apple. In recent history we've had Vampire Weekend, the Strokes and MGMT rising above the skyscrapers to national prominence.

I think these guys may be next - they're called The Postelles. Described as "a healthy diet of equal parts sweet Motown sound and New York's grit and grime," they have a fresh-yet-retro indie pop-rock sound that produces catchy, upbeat songs that you can listen to all day. Strokes guitarist Albert Hammond helped them produce their first EP "White Night" and their first full album has a release date of July 27th. You can download the title track of the EP for free here:

In my opinion, their best song is "123 Stop," which will be released officially on their full album this summer. Watch a live version below and if you really like it, check out the acoustic version.

If you're still not convinced, here's a quote from the lead singer Daniel Balk on their upcoming album: "It's going to be bigger than 'Avatar,'" Daniel exclaims with assured bravado. "James Cameron can suck...on a piece of candy."

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Middlebury Radio Theatre of Thrills & Suspense Presents:

Tonight we take you to strange lands with three original and especially adapted radioplays. Bill Noble explores the mysterious spaces beyond life and death in Death for Sure, an original story based on true events. In the newest installment of our very own Nightshade Radioplayhouse, Claire Sibley embarks on a hero’s journey through an ever-shifting landscape of terror in The Red Ettin. And Sasha Rivera falls down the rabbit hole in a new adaptation of the beloved novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, starring Katie Zurbach as Alice.If you miss the show live, or want to listen to past shows, check out our website at or find our podcast on iTunes.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Theo-phil-us don't pronounce it WRONG!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

cover me

who doesn't appreciate a good cover song?

mates of state surely do. they recently announced their forthcoming cover album Crushes: The cover's mixtape and released the first track, laura originally by girls. unlike many cover songs who attempt to emulate the original artists, the mates (married couple Kori Gardner and Jason Hammel) spice up the original with some dj scratching, and their signature indie pop sound.

with any luck the other songs on the album, including Belle and Sebastian's sleep around the clock, The Mars Volta's son et lumiere and even Fleetwood Mac's second hand news, will reinvent the originals to better appreciate both versions.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Emancipation Proclamation

Bam! Guest post.

I’ve long since left the hallowed halls of WRMC for the rat race of DC, but I was reading over the blog and I was inspired to contribute some new music of my own.

Emancipator just released his second album, ‘Safe in the Steep Cliffs’ back in December, and I love it.

I hope you do too, here’s a little listen courtesy of YouTube.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tonight on the Middlebury Radio Theatre of Thrills & Suspense...

...we bring you a retro-futuristic smorgasbord!
First, Noah Mease's original adaptation of The Stepford Wives looks at the unsettling horrors of a perfect suburban life in the early seventies.
Then, Charles Giardina takes us to the distant future of the year 2001 in his original space opera, Hearts & Minds.
Tune in live at 6:00pm on WRMC 91.1FM, Middlebury College Radio.
And visit us at for past shows and more Radio Drama news.

Monday, March 29, 2010

A New Generation of Remixes

Stop chopping and get melodic.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Tycho - "The Daydream"

Celebrate the approach of spring by listening to this blissful track by up-and-coming mellow, washed-out electronica maven Tycho. Come on, just do it. Everybody else is.

Finally! A Show Worth Seeing This Semester In Vermont!

Who? The Morning Benders

Where? Monkey House in Winooski, VT

When? April 16th, 8 PM

Yours Truly Presents: The Morning Benders "Excuses" from Yours Truly on Vimeo.

Let's start a caravan!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The National: World Premiere

The lead-off track from High Violet, out May 11, sets the bar quite high.

Check it out on Fallon. What starts out as mediocre builds to pure, almost-punk bliss.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I once collected butterflies. I still collect coins.

You've had midterms and haven't been up on your tunes . . .

WRMC understands. We've got you covered.

"Collector" is the first single from Here We Go Magic's second album. It's set to be released this summer.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

the glory days are coming!

"glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever"
-napoleaon bonaparte, (yeah the emperor)

canada's glory days may have passed with the end of the olympics, but canadian pop's will come on may 4th!

superstars ac newman and neko case have reunited with all of the new pornographers (and a star studded list of guests, including the dap kings, that girl from st. vincent, and will sheff from okkervil river) to release together, their 5th studio album on may 4th. from the sounds of the first single off the album, this album should secure the new pornographers place in obscurity forever. it's everything poppy and you love about the new pornographers only cooler and more modern.

slightly less exciting than full albums are pre-released singles:

even better is the may 4th release of a new broken social scene record forgiveness rock record. after keeping fans waiting in suspense for the past 4 years, kevin drew, the group leader, has finally gotten a group together to continue breaking the social scene. past broken social scene albums have featured heavily other indie artists, including feist, regina spector and that dude who plays the horn in stars, however they have trimmed down the number of musicians featured in each song and are focusing on a, in the words of kevin drew, "core-member album". by the sounds of it they are going to rock it again!

check out this tight 7 min release!

Behind the Green Curtain...

These wonderful folks are our General Board 2009-2010. Or at least, the members in attendance this week.

And these are your Executive Board and Concert Committee this year. Chris DiOrio, one of our Concert Committee members, is unfortunately not in this picture.

These crazy kids are the Exec Board.

Many thanks to Thom Corrado for serving as the photographer!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Who Knows Who Cares

I asked if I could borrow a shirt and he nodded towards room number 13.

“Pick a winner” he said.

The door was ajar and there was an anchor drawn on it. I hopped off the couch and walked in. photographs he presumably took covered the walls, one was of a person frozen in mid air. Clothes covered every inch of his floor creating a complexly textured and colored rug of plaid, stripes and other hues. I kicked my shoes off behind me into the hall and walked across the soft sea of cotton, corduroy and denim towards the bureau.

I opened the second drawer from the top and found t-shirts carefully folded with brilliant colors poking out from the depths of each of the three stacks. Then it hit me, the smell that is. An aroma of old sandwiches, pit sweat, and damp sneakers flooded my nose all at once as I picked up a yellow shirt that said “Hawaii!” on it. There were mud spots all over the back from riding a bicycle in the rain. I dropped it back in the drawer and pulled a purple tie dye up to my nose. B.O.! Another, a trail of salsa skipping down the front, maybe blood, nope, definitely salsa. Another, grass stain! Another, B.O. again, woof!

Throwing the shirts back in the drawer I closed it to seal off the stench. I looked around my feet and reached down to pick up a royal blue shirt from the floor and held it to my nose. Memories of sitting in Stephen’s kitchen during the summer flew fleetingly threw my head. Probably Tide I thought.

I put it on and walked back out to the couch. “That strangely does make sense”. He nodded without breaking his glance from the television.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Sunset Rubdown

Sunset Rubdown's 2009 epic "Dragonslayer" was one of the best records of the year, and is the most accessible in Spencer Krug's whole labyrinth catalogue including work with Wolf Parade, Frog Eyes, Swan Lake, and Moonface.

The video for the 10 minute "Dragon's Lair" was released today and can be viewed below:

If you cannot get enough Spencer Krug, jump over to CultureCatch
and check out an interview I did with him in June about art criticism
and the process of making "Dragonslayer":


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tunnelvision - Four Tet

Good ol' Pitchfork just posted a new entry in their "Tunnelvision" video series - here, Ray Concepcion (who has been making quite a name for himself in the artsy-filming-of-indie-musics world of late) films three songs in a live Four Tet set through a pair of 3D glasses. It's incredibly friggin beautiful and so is the music. Embedded below is my favorite, "Sing", and you can link to the others at :


We're back!

Power Outage

Thanks to a heavy blanket of very wet snow, we woke up this morning to an absence of electricity which is temporarily impeding our ability to broadcast. We'll be back up as soon as possible.
In the meantime, check out all the spiffy new music we've posted recently!
Love, WRMC

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Trippy Music Video Tuesdays

(I doubt this will be a weekly thing, but it works for today)

Great song. Great video (they actually perform with that guy dancing in the crowd).

Brings me back to an old favorite of mine:

Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's Here

And it's better than the new "Little Secrets" music video.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Middlebury Radio Theatre of Thrills & Suspense: Season Premiere

Tune in this Saturday, February 20th, to WRMC 91.1 at our new time, Six o’clock pm for the premiere of the Middlebury Radio Theatre of Thrills & Suspense’s fifth and a half season. The show will include one of our favorite vintage series, the retro-futuristic sci-fi thrills of X minus 1. And there’s no better suspense than the endless quest for the mysterious whatzit in an original adaptation of the noir classic, Kiss Me Deadly.

But that’s not all. The Middlebury Radio Theatre of Thrills & Suspense also presents the first episode of the new Nightshade Radioplayhouse, a series of dark bedtime stories like nothing we’ve done over the airways before. The inaugural tale is an old favorite, Hansel and Grethel.