I know that the Olympics are in China and that it's 2008 not 1980, but Moscow Olympics rock. The five piece from the Philippines has a little bit of twee, a little bit of shoegaze and a little bit of straight up pop. See also: Asobi Sesku, Galaxie 500

New Cansei de Ser Sexy. If the last album was about alcohol and making love to Death From Above, this album is about hard drugs and fucking to HEALTH. It's still dancey as all hell, but it's harder and dirtier and riot grrrler. See also: Ratatat, Le Tigre

Ra Ra Riot are good at chamber pop. They may not be the best, that title belongs to the band's influences -the heavy hitters of indie rock, but it's summer and they're fun. Perfect for short walks (or drives) to the park/beach/liquor store. See also: Arcade Fire, Vampire Weekend

Sennen is about BIG. Big noise, big spaces, big walls. They group is from Norfolk and it shows: they sound like ambient, nu-gaze and post-rock all rolled into one. I'm really digging these guys right now. See also: Mogwai, Verve
moscow olympics--also a good orange juice song
I don't think the word is out enough about these guys - they've made one of the best albums of the year.
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