Okay so I'm sorry to bombard the blog, but not really, because this is the most important pop-related rumor (let's not get carried away calling it news) I can remember ever hearing (I've decided including Ivy Blue in such contests is just unfair) and the possibility that you, dear reader, might have missed it is simply too disturbing to bear. My Bloody Valentine, the Irish alt-rock band whose 1991 masterpiece Loveless is one of the best albums of all time (mean it!) as well as the high-water mark for the blissed-out, feedback-swathed subgenre known as "shoegaze," just might have another album in 'em after a 21-year hiatus (barring a few recent reunion shows)! According to hermetic, perfectionistic, brilliant, and notoriously difficult MBV main man Kevin Shields, this possible new LP would be comprised of songs that were begun way back in 1992. That's basically all he had to tell us in this recent news item on Pitchfork, but you have permission to freak out LIKE I AM DOING RIGHT NOW. "You never know, we might finish it really quickly!" Shields said. Which, I mean, is just not true, 'cause, you know, it's been, like, 21 years and all. But let's not let that get in the way of faith in the veracity of the basic idea: THERE MIGHT BE A NEW MY BLOODY VALENTINE ALBUM! Phew my exclamation mark key is getting a workout here.
What they hey, listen to "Only Shallow," the brain-meltingly loud/wonderful opener to My Bloody Valentine's classic Loveless, below (turn yr volume wayyyy up for maximum effect):
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